Salesforce Platform Developer level 1
Il corso "Salesforce Developer level 1" di First Consulting è progettato per il 20 % mediamente necessario per la customizzazione tramite Code delle implementazioni Salesforce. Specificatamente verranno trattati i paradigmi , i design pattern e le best pratice della customizzazione tramite Framework di sviluppo Salesforce Apex.
La docenza dichiaratamente orientata ai ruoli Developer, Tester , Software Architect prevede come da path officale di certificazione la knowledge di "Salesforce Administrator level 1" che affronta tutte le logiche di implementazione nella sinergia low code / code prevista dal modello di sviluppo del framework. Tale pre requisito è obbligatorio per il corretto raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti.
Il corso è orientato in modalità interativa progressiva tramite Lab Sdk Saleforce Dev oriented in modalità "step by Step"
min 15 gg piano formativo personalizzabile
Attestato di partecipazione First Consulting
Propedeutico Path Certificazione
Salesforce Apex
Salesforce Developer
Salesforce Visual Force
Programming with Apex
Describe Key Aspects of Apex That Differentiate It from Other Languages, Such as Java and C#
Describe Why Apex Transactions and Governor Limits Must Be Considered When Writing Apex
Execute Simple Apex
Use the sObject Data Type, the Primitive Data Types, and Basic Control Statements in Apex
IDE evolution in Sales Force – Adoption of Microsoft Visual Studio code
Using SOQL and SOSL to Retrieve Your Org’s Data
Write a Basic Query Using Salesforce’s Query Language, SOQL
Process the Result of a Query in Apex
Create a Query Dynamically at Run-Time
Use SOQL to Query Parent-Child Relationships
Describe a Relationship Query
Write a Query That Traverses a Child-to-Parent Relationship
Write a Query That Traverses a Parent-to-Child Relationship
Use SOSL to Search Data
Using DML to Manipulate Your Org’s Data
List the Differences Between the Ways You Can Invoke DML Operations
Write Apex to Invoke DML Operations and Handle DML Errors
What Is Deployment?
Deploy Code Using Change Sets
Use the Ant Migration Tool
Review Managed and Unmanaged Packages
Explore Salesforce DX
Trigger Essentials
Describe What a Trigger Is Used For
Describe the Syntax of a Trigger Definition
Use Trigger Context Variables
Apex Class Essentials
Describe How Apex Classes Are Used
Define an Apex Class
Determine What Data an Apex Class Can Access
The Save Order of Execution, Apex Transactions, and Platform Events
Describe Key Points in the Order of Execution
Describe How Triggers Fit Into and Can Be Impacted by the Order of Execution
Describe the Lifecycle of an Apex Transaction
Describe the Memory Lifecycle for Static Attributes
Use Platform Events for Immediate Error Logging
Apex Testing
Describe the Apex Testing Framework
Create Test Data
Write and Run an Apex Test
Test Best Practices
Strategies for Designing Efficient Apex Solutions
Describe Best Practices for Writing Code That Is Easy to Maintain and Extend
Write Triggers and Classes That Assume Batches of Data as Input
Write Code That Works Efficiently with the Database, Both in Querying and Using DML
Trigger Design Strategies
List Declarative Mechanisms You Can Use to Implement Complex Business Logic, What Types of Problems They’re Best Used for, and Their Limitations.
Describe Ways in Which You Can Use Declarative Functionality to Improve Your Programmatic Solutions
Working with Visualforce
Create a Visualforce Page
Reference a Standard Controller
Launch a Visualforce Page Using a Custom Button
Display Data from a Record in a Visualforce Page
Reference Custom Controllers and Controller Extensions
Work with List Controllers
Visualforce Development Considerations and Testing
Describe Common Limit Issues and Security Concerns
Describe Strategies for Testing Visualforce Controllers
Write Tests for Controller Constructors
Write Tests for Action Methods, Getters, Setters, and Properties
Lightning Components
Lightning Reference Architecture and General Pattern
Create and Surface a Lightning Web Component
Create and Surface an Aura Component

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