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IA Machine and Deep Learning Azure Services Fundamentals  Path Exam AI-900

il corso esplora gli AI Azure Cloud Services specificatamente dedicati per soluzioni ML , DP ed Analytics correlati. la Reference Architecture è attentamente delineata al fine della acquisizione delle competenze e della Knowledge per le "Features" e  "Capabilities" che costituisco i "building block" Component per la varie implementazioni adottabili. 
il corso esplora le principali metodologie e tecnologie in materia di Tools, Platform dei Servizi Cloud Microsoft Azure dedicati al capitolo "Intelligenza Artificiale"  


min 10 gg piano formativo personalizzabile


Attestato di partecipazione First Consulting 




Azure Service ML , DL
Intelligenza Artificiale
Azure ML Platform


Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations

Identify features of common AI workloads

  • identify prediction/forecasting workloads

  • identify features of anomaly detection workloads

  • identify computer vision workloads

  • identify natural language processing or knowledge mining workloads

  • identify conversational AI workloads

Identify guiding principles for responsible AI

  • describe considerations for fairness in an AI solution

  • describe considerations for reliability and safety in an AI solution

  • describe considerations for privacy and security in an AI solution

  • describe considerations for inclusiveness in an AI solution  describe considerations for transparency in an AI solution

  • describe considerations for accountability in an AI solution


Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure

Identify common machine learning types

  • identify regression machine learning scenarios

  • identify classification machine learning scenarios

  • identify clustering machine learning scenarios

Describe core machine learning concepts

  • identify features and labels in a dataset for machine learning

  • describe how training and validation datasets are used in machine learning

  • describe how machine learning algorithms are used for model training

  • select and interpret model evaluation metrics for classification and regression

Identify core tasks in creating a machine learning solution

  • describe common features of data ingestion and preparation

  • describe feature engineering and selection

  • describe common features of model training and evaluation

  • describe common features of model deployment and management

Describe capabilities of no-code machine learning with Azure Machine Learning studio

  • automated ML UI

  • azure Machine Learning designer

Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure 

Identify common types of computer vision solution:

  • identify features of image classification solutions

  • identify features of object detection solutions

  • identify features of optical character recognition solutions

  • identify features of facial detection, facial recognition, and facial analysis solutions Identify

  • Azure tools and services for computer vision tasks

  • identify capabilities of the Computer Vision service

  • identify capabilities of the Custom Vision service

  • identify capabilities of the Face service

  • identify capabilities of the Form Recognizer service


Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure

Identify features of common NLP Workload Scenarios

  • identify features and uses for key phrase extraction

  • identify features and uses for entity recognition

  • identify features and uses for sentiment analysis

  • identify features and uses for language modelling

  • identify features and uses for speech recognition and synthesis

  • identify features and uses for translation

Identify Azure tools and services for NLP workloads

  • identify capabilities of the Text Analytics service

  • identify capabilities of the Language Understanding service (LUIS)

  • identify capabilities of the Speech service

  • identify capabilities of the Translator Text service



Describe features of conversational AI workloads on Azure

Identify common use cases for conversational AI

  • identify features and uses for webchat bots

  • identify common characteristics of conversational AI solutions

Identify Azure services for conversational AI

  • identify capabilities of the QnA Maker service

  • identify capabilities of the Azure Bot service




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