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Il corso Block Chain Developer rappresenta un focus alcuni case Study formativi progettati da First Consulting.

Ethereum è una piattaforma decentralizzata del Web 3.0 per la creazione e pubblicazione peer-to-peer di contratti intelligenti creati in un linguaggio di programmazione Turing-completo. La criptovaluta a esso legata, Ether, è seconda in capitalizzazione dietro ai Bitcoin. 
An Ethereum developer is one who has expertise in one of the best decentralized blockchain platforms available today, Ethereum. The developer is fully equipped with the skills required to excel in the world of blockchain networks, having varied knowledge of the basics and advanced concepts of Ethereum.


min 10 gg piano formativo personalizzabile


Attestato di partecipazione First consulting 


Propedeutico path certficazione


Block Chain AWS Cloud Ethereum Framwork in AWS


  • Course Overview

  • Introducing Ethereum

  • Using AWS Blockchain Templates for Ethereum

  • Deploying a Simple Smart Contract App to the Network


By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of how you can use AWS to build your own Ethereum blockchain networks and write smart contracts to update your blockchain.

The Ethereum framework is the most popular blockchain platform for building decentralized applications. In this context, AWS has made it easy to get up and running with your own Ethereum network on the AWS cloud using blockchain templates

This course demonstrates how to build, deploy and use Ethereum networks on the AWS cloud. In this course, Deploying Ethereum with AWS Blockchain Templates, you will learn how you can use Cloud Formation templates on AWS with Docker containers to quickly build Ethereum networks for running smart contracts.

  • Discover Ethereum's ability to build blockchains, the transaction lifecycle, miners, the proof-of-work consensus algorithm and concepts such as gas and ether on Ethereum networks.

  • you'll discover the basic structure of an Ethereum blockchain network on AWS by configuring security groups and the bastion host to connect to our network.

  • use AWS blockchain templates to quickly bring up and Ethereum network on the AWS cloud and how you can connect to this network using a Metamask client

  • Finally, you'll write smart contracts in Solidity for a land registry using the Remix IDE and execute transactions on your Ethereum network and observe the network using Explorer.




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