Microsoft Power Platform Services -Low Code Declarative Framework in Microsoft Stack
Il corso specificatamente progettato da First Consulting rappresenta l'evoluzione tecnologica per la creazione di Web App, Mobile App ed ulteriori soluzioni tramite il "paradigma di programmazione Dichiarativo" anche detto Low Code.
l'approccio permette una razionalizzazione dei costi e della gestione degli applicativi , lo stesso sta divenendo un Pattern ed una Strategia "Dominante" nel panorama IT Business Oriented ed è adottato da principali Player e Vendor IT a livello Internazionale
il corso è specificatamente dedicato al "Low Code" in ambito tecnologico applicativo Microsoft Azure e Dynamics ed è completamente personalizzabile secondo le specifiche esigenze.
la docenza erogabile per livelli Basic, Intermediate e Advanced ha un forte orientamento operativo , tramite metodologia First Consulting "Step by Step" ed è supportata da un LAB con la creazione di alcuni Real World Uses Case
min 15 gg piano Formativo Personalizzabile
Attestato di partecipazione First Consulting
Corso Propedutico Path Microsoft
Power Platform
Low Code
Declarative Progr.
Manage a data model
assign a type for a table including standard, activity, or virtual
configure tables ownership
create new tables or modify existing tables
determine which type of relationships to implement including 1: N and N: N
configure table relationship behaviors including cascading rules
create new relationships or modify existing relationships
create new columns or modify existing columns
create alternate keys for tables
configure table properties
configure connection roles
create and configure views
Create and manage logic
define requirements for business rules
define and implement business rule logic
define the scope for business rules
configure and test business rules
configure a synchronous classic workflow
Configure Dataverse DaaS
perform data management tasks including import, export, and bulk detection
configure duplicate detection settings
configure privacy preferences
configure Relevance Search
Configure security settings
create and manage business units
create and manage security roles
create and manage users and teams
create and manage column security
configure hierarchy security
configure Azure AD group teams
Create apps by using Microsoft Power Apps
Create model-driven apps
create and configure forms
create and configure views
create and configure charts
create and configure dashboards
configure site maps
select applicable assets for an app including tables, forms, views, business
share a model-drive app
apply organizational branding by using themes
Create canvas apps
create a canvas app
configure Dataverse as a data source for an app
create canvas app screens
implement form navigation, formulas, variables and collections, error Handling
build reusable components and component libraries
configure offline capabilities for apps
run Power Automate flows based on actions that occur in a canvas app
interpret App Checker results and resolve identified issues including accessibility
manage apps
monitor app analytics data
Create portal apps
create a portal app
expose Dataverse data
configure portal web pages, forms, and navigation
configure portal security including web roles and page access
configure portal details and actions
configure portal authentication
Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate
Create flows
recommend types of flows and flow components including when to use a wf
trigger a flow by using Dataverse connectors
run actions by using the Dataverse connector
implement logic control including branches, loops, conditions, error handling,
implement dynamic content and expressions
test and troubleshoot flows
Create and manage business process flows
configure a business process flow
add business rules, workflows, flow steps, and action steps to a business process
define stages and steps
configure parallel branches
manage the business process flow table for a business process flow
Build desktop flows
describe types of desktop flows
identify use cases for desktop flows
build web and user interface automations by using Power Automate Desktop
implement variables, loops, and conditionals in Power Automate Desktop flows
trigger desktop flows from cloud flows
monitor automation runs
analyze processes by using Process Advisor
Configure topics
define topic conversation triggers
create questions, messages, and conditions
extract topics from a web page
implement greetings, escalations, error messages, and statuses
call a Power Automate flow to run an action
configure a fallback topic
Configure entities
create custom entities
implement entities in conversations
implement variables to store data

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